
Safe / Vault

In the back bedroom, a safe is mounted inside the left wardrobe area. This is large enough to even accommodate laptops. The safe is opened and closed by using a freely selectable four- to six-digit numerical code.

The details about the safe and its use are only visible to guests. Please log in here first.

Fire extinguisher

The holiday home has two fire extinguishers. A smaller fire extinguisher (2 kg) based on CO2 is located directly next to the front door below the fuse box. This is ready in case something needs to be extinguished in the electrical area. A large fire extinguisher (6 kg) is located in the hallway in front of the large bathroom. This is powder-based and can be used to extinguish fires that do not involve electrics.

CO2 fire extinguisher for electrics at the entrance Powder fire extinguisher in the hallway for all other fires

In case it is necessary to use the fire extinguishers, please proceed as follows:

  • Decide whether the fire involves the fuse box or electrics. In this case, choose the small fire extinguisher based on CO2. Otherwise, use the large fire extinguisher based on powder.
  • Lift the extinguisher out of its wall bracket.
  • Remove the safety pin from the operating handle.
  • Point the hose of the extinguisher or its funnel at the fire to be extinguished and press the operating handle in short bursts until the fire goes out.
  • If necessary, alert the fire brigade using the telephone number 112.

Immediately inform the landlord and the house owners about the use of the fire extinguisher and discuss the further procedure with them.